About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

In the words of Tom Petty...

....the waiting is the hardest part.

We've packed our bags and filled out everything we can in the baby book. The relaxing mixed CD's have been made and my focal point picture has been chosen. The bags are in the car, along with a sleeping bag for extra comfort for Kyle, and of course we have the car seat installed. All the little socks and outfits, blankets and bedding have been washed in baby detergent and folded and put in their place.

Our laundry is caught up and the spare room has been made up for the guests that will be arriving. We have a point person ready to send out the mass text message to our friends when our bundle of joy arrives. I'm carrying my camera and two sets of batteries in my purse everywhere I go, and my mom and sister have started to get jumpy when they see my number on their caller ID. Kyle never turns off his phone, and he carries his stopwatch 24/7.

My last day of work will be Monday, June 16th. My official due date. My shower thank you's have been sent (finally) and we even have a pediatrician. Now all we need is that baby!

I've been blessed with a pretty painless pregnancy. Sure I had my complaints and tough moments, but overall I couldn't have asked for anything better. So it's not out of pain, discomfort, or even exhaustion that I can't wait for it to be over. It's the unknown, the uncertainty of when and how it will happen. And Kyle and I just can't wait to meet our little man, hold him in our arms, and love on him like crazy.

And that is why the days pass so slowly and I can't get Tom Petty out of my head.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Your little boy is so beautiful! God has certainly blessed you. Jean, you look fabulous...your face is so thin already! Kyle, you look like a natural. Keep the pictures coming! The kids will be excited to see Asher finally!