About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Livie

Yesterday we took our 5th trip to the doctor in two weeks. Both kids have had double ear infections, gotten over them, and now Ash has another single ear infection. Luckily the kids are feeling good overall and are acting like their happy little selves. We rented a Mickey Mouse Christmas video from the library in case of whiny emergencies and so far it's chased those blues away lickety split.

As you all know, Livie's given name is actually Olivia, but we never call her that. And I mean never. It's to the point that when someone does call her that it catches me off guard, like hey, that's not her name! But at the doctor's office they call "Olivia" when it's our turn. So yesterday when we were in the waiting room Ash starts calling out in a sing-song voice "Oh Livie!" (He's just so darn cute!) I told him it was his turn to see the doctor today so instead of saying Livie they would say Asher. So he starts calling out "Oh Asher!" Like that's just how the doctor calls everyone.....Oh Jean....Oh Kyle....Oh Mr Marble. Hee hee!

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