Yesterday we woke up to the first snowfall of the year. What a wonderful sight to see, especially since we were planning on getting our Christmas tree. I LOVE snow! Maybe it's because I never have to shovel. The past few years I've either been pregnant or had a small baby, so I always had a good excuse to stay inside. Yesterday I offered to help but we only have one shovel, so again I was off the hook.
I also love driving in the snow. That probably sounds crazy but it's an adventure that's even better if it's dark outside. I grew up in a family that was never held back by snow. We had snowmobiles and used them almost every weekend. Our 800 mile round-trip to Minnesota for Christmas was never hindered by snow. We were going to get there if it killed us! A couple of times it was close, but out of 24 Christmas trips we only stopped once. That was the year I was pregnant with Ash and we had Lula (our 6 month old beagle) with us. It took us 8 hours (instead of 5) to get to Duluth, and once we got there most of the roads we not being plowed. We wanted to visit my mom's friend but couldn't even get to her house. We had to park a few blocks away and walk in. It was wild! A Christmas we'll never forget.
Yesterday was awesome because it was the first year Asher noticed the snow. When he woke up I took him to the window and he got all wide-eyed and said "oh snow, probly go sledding!" He couldn't get outside fast enough. He kept asking, "Daddy, take me outside, pleeeese?" Finally, after breakfast and bundling up, he got outside and he loved every minute of it. Last year he sat like a bump on log in the snow, but today he was all about it. Running, jumping, laying in it, shoveling, he couldn't get enough. There's always something magical about the first snowfall, but today, experiencing it through the eyes of a two year old, was pure joy.
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