The other night when Grandma and Grandpa Lein and Aunt Kiki were visiting, I came out of my room to find Ash fully dressed in outdoor gear. He had put on his hat, mittens, boots, and jacket all by himself for the first time ever! Granted the coat was on upside down, but he was ready to go! I asked him where he was going and he said "I going to da gas station, get mama a pop!" Oh that boy, I swear I could eat him up! He went to the back door and started struggling to unlock and open it. I had to remind him that we were just pretending, and he was ok with that.
Since that night, this has become one of his favorite games. Except now he can get his coat on the right way, with no help from me. Sometimes there are variations, like a run for "pop and ah cream for ju" (ice cream for you) and once he asked Kyle "hand me the keys, please". Lots of times he tries to get out the door and gets upset when he can't unlock it. But once I say "just pretend, right?" he says "oh yeah" and is over it.
Sometimes I feel bad that my obsession with Mountain Dew is so obvious to him, but it sure makes me feel good that my little guy wants to take care of his mama.