A beautiful blue sky filled with white puffy clouds. My sweet Asher, wearing only a diaper, floats by on the most comfortable cloud of them all.......And he is screaming his head off!!
This was the scene as we took Asher to have his first professional pictures taken. Wouldn't you know it, our seldom fussy baby boy cried and complained almost the entire time. But the photographer knew what he was doing and got some great shots anyway.
Our budget only allowed for us to pick one pose and we choose a handsome one. But now that I think back, I would give anything to have a copy of the crying angel. It was perfect in it's irony. But alas, the studio deletes all pictures as soon as you leave and me crying over it for two days didn't reverse time and didn't get me the picture I wanted. So I will have to take a mental snapshot and cherish it forever.
To look on the bright side, I am blessed enough to get to see him crying everyday. Maybe next time I'll hold him up to the window and try to recreate the scene in my mind.

He is so cute, Jean! What an Angel
Love you guys, Jenny
Ahh! He looks so tiny! I wish I could squeeze him! Don't worry, just when you thought he's found his voice, his cry will get LOUDER!!! Maya currently has a pitch I think only dogs can hear. It's wonderful :) Are you guys doing well? Maya misses her Wisconsin friend!
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