4 things I was doing 10 years ago...
Driving a Sundance
Studying Psychology
Living with Laura and Andrea
Riding my bike around Lake Antoine almost everyday
4 things on my to do list for today...
Take a shower
Take a walk and watch a movie with my hubby
Play with Asher
4 things I love about my husband...
He's handsome
He always does the dishes
He adores kids, especially Asher
He drives the jetta and lets me have the passat
4 jobs I have had...
Core Cutter at a paper mill
Delivered meds to people's homes
Therapist for Autistic children
4 places I have lived...
International Falls, MN
Quinnesec, MI
Green Bay, WI
Madison, WI
4 places I want to visit...
The Greek Isles
4 (or 5-6) things you may not know about me...
I've driven a tractor and a forklift, not just once but daily for summers on end
I can play the piano
I played the saxophone in my HS alumni marching band in the 4th of July parade 3 years ago - and had a BLAST!
I love cars and speed
I have my own business with The Body Shop At Home
I attended the Milwaukee School of Flower Design last fall
Now it's
Sara G's turn.