About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Touring We Will Go

Yesterday we toured the hospital. Grandma Marble, Grandma & Grandpa Lein, and me and Kyle all went. What a place! The new addition to St Mary's is gorgeous and the rooms are huge. They sure knew how to handle a group of preggos....they had water and brownies for us - what more could we ask for?! While it was good to see where we need to go and what we need to do on the big day, I have to admit that I really wasn't paying too much attention. I figure that's Kyle's job. I'll be too busy to remember how to navigate the maze of hallways to the check-in desk!

Being at the hospital was quite the reality check that caused a minor meltdown. Ok, maybe it was a major meltdown. Let me just say that while the other moms were listening and looking around excitedly, I was blowing my nose. All I could think was "this is gonna hurt!". Halfway through I pulled it together and was fine the rest of the tour. Can we say overtired and emotional? Not a good combo for Preggy Preggerson.

Isn't my mom the best!? She drove all the way from Michigan just to come on the tour with me. We had a great weekend together, the only problem was it was a little too short. Now I know I'm 33 weeks and getting gynormous, but my goodness, my mom looks shrimpy next to me here!


The Galvins said...

Ha ha! She really does look shrimpy! I wish I could have been there, but I'm sure mom took good notes and can give Sam and me some good directions. She is the best.

I bet you were the cutest preggy preggerson on the tour.

gmagpa said...

The pics look good... I really liked the tour, it makes the big day easier if you know where you are going, and what to expect when you get there...Does that make sense??
...The Leins...