About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Monday, April 21, 2008

33 Pounds & 12 Inches Later....

....I've abandoned my beautiful rings....I've given up on my watch....and I've long since stopped wearing any shoes other than sandals. It's impossible to bend over gracefully and my belly has started reinacting scenes from Alien. We had our 32 week dr. appt today and in the waiting room the little man was kicking up a visual storm! My stomach danced this way and that and Kyle and I just cracked up. The other patients in the waiting room must've though we were obnoxious but at least we were having fun!
Dr. says everything looks great. She thinks Baby boy is about straight up and down now, and they almost never turn back around. So that sounds good to me! Kyle entertained me and the doctor with his grave concerns over having to deliver the baby at home. He never even realized calling 911 was an option! =) We decided a barrett would be the best household item to clamp off the cord with and Dr Thousand is going to pass that along to her other patients. So if you notice Kyle has started carrying a barrett around in his pocket, he's not hoping for a girl, he's just prepared.


The Galvins said...

Ha ha! You guys are funny!
I CANNOT WAIT until little Lein is here! Is your due date still the 16th?
Yay! I'm excited.

Mom said...

Jean you're so cute! Kyle - you're cute too! Mom