The last post I wrote was about 5 months ago. A lot of changes happen in a child's life, even in so few months. So rather than try to catch you up on all that's gone on, I will jump right into present day.
And that brings us to this morning and every parent's favorite topic - poop and/or pee. Sweet Asher woke up with damp pajamas. He was wearing head to toe fleece p.j.'s and I don't know if you know how much liquid fleece pajamas can soak up without feeling wet, but it's a lot! They are absorbent to the max. And that's what makes this story all the more unbelievable. When I went to change his sheets, not only did I find wet sheets, blankets, and stuffies on the bed, but I also found a puddle under the bed. Under the bed! How is this possible?
This is not the first time one of my children has performed an incredible bathroom feat. Why, sweet Livie has blown a poop out of her diaper, spraying me and the couch, without getting one single drop on herself or in her diaper. And she has done this not once, but twice! Don't ask me how she did it. Just take my word for it- it's true.
Puddles on the floor, and daily outfit changes for you and your child are all part of being a parent. Not the most fun part, but at least it gives you and your husband something to laugh about.
Hope this post wasn't too much bathroom talk for you to handle. I ensure you future posts will not be as graphic.
And now, onto everyone's favorite part....the pictures. Of course, none relate to today's topic but I'm sure you will enjoy them just as well.
Quote of the day made by Kyle: "I think these two are in cahoots already"
How your cute your kids are!!! Ash is getting so big and look at his cute hair!! Liv what can I saw just look how beautiful she is!! She's grown so much since I have been gone!
I love the new blog. And I've had those fun poop and pee times too.
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