It is amazing the things a two year old will pick up. Ash heard the story of Moses and the Red Sea exactly one time at Jr. Children's Church and he's been telling me all about it ever since. His rendition goes like this, "The people walk on the water, Mojo, the bible!" So thank you, Ryan and Erika for your excellent lesson! He may not have appeared to be listening but it sure sank in.
On his very first day at JCC, I stayed with him through the entire class to make sure he was ready to leave the nursery. Miss Sabrina sang a song that neither Ash nor Mama had ever heard before. I sang the song to him a couple of times after that, as much as I could remember at least. Slowly it faded from our limited repertoire and I forgot about it. He continued to ponder it for about a month and suddenly one day started singing it, hand motions and all! So here is a video for you to enjoy. Don't ask me why I took it sideways....
The lyrics to The PPY Song (as titled by Ash) are:
I am so H A P P Y
And I will tell you why
I know that my God loves me
'Cuz he shows me all the time Funny
Quote of the Day: Every time Asher comes across one of the glow sticks he got at the Fall Festival he shouts, "Breadstick!!".
About Us
- The Lein Family
- We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My Nemesis
I swore I'd never buy them again. And yet here they are, on top of my fridge. Rice Krispies. My Nemesis.
Sure they're cute with their snap, crackle, pop sounds. And yes, they make tasty treats. So tasty in fact, that I still ask for them when my Mom asks me what I'd like her to bake for our next visit.
However, as the preferred breakfast of two-year-old Ash, Rice Krispies have turned dastardly in my eyes. It's not because Ash sometimes likes to fish them out with his hands, squeezing all the milk out before shoveling them in his mouth. It's not even because Ash is generous like his father and often offers me a spoonful of Krispies, which I graciously accept while trying to ignore the fact that milk is dripping all over the table, down his arm, and onto his pants and chair. It's the before and after effects that get me.
No matter how carefully you pour the Krispies in the bowl, inevitably a few will fall on the counter and one or two will land on the floor. They will be crushed to bits and then your floor will feel gritty until the next time you sweep. In my house this could be a loooong time. This is annoying but the worst is yet to come.
After the Krispies have been soaked in milk, again some will end up on the floor. They happen to blend in with my carpet so I don't notice them at first. Not until I step on one and confuse it with a slimy booger on the bottom of my sock. Yes, they are sticky and gooey for a time. But that only lasts so long, then the real danger sets in.
I bet you didn't know Rice Krispies were a lethal weapon. They steal away, hiding under the lip of your table, just waiting for the perfect time to attack. I have had run-ins with them several times. On more than one occasion, Ash has gobbled three bowls for breakfast, I've cleaned him up and set to work on the table. Everything looked good, or so I thought. But that one Krispie was hiding there, building it's strength, waiting for me.
After the next meal I wipe up again. Only this time my hand scrapes along the now rock hard and extremely jagged Rice Krispie waiting for me. I swear, I've almost lost blood on those things!
I swore I would never buy them again, but alas, Rice Krispies are one of Ash's favorite cereals. If I have to suffer a few "boogers" on my socks and a couple of intense scratches for him to have his favorite cereal, then I guess I can do that in the name of love.

Funny quote of the day, by Asher: "I play drumma on the potty" - We were getting ready to go to storytime at the library and we were discussing what we'd do there. They have these plastic kids chairs that slightly resemble our potty chair I guess. Asher likes to sit on the floor and drum on them. Apparently to him, it's the highlight of storytime!
Sure they're cute with their snap, crackle, pop sounds. And yes, they make tasty treats. So tasty in fact, that I still ask for them when my Mom asks me what I'd like her to bake for our next visit.
However, as the preferred breakfast of two-year-old Ash, Rice Krispies have turned dastardly in my eyes. It's not because Ash sometimes likes to fish them out with his hands, squeezing all the milk out before shoveling them in his mouth. It's not even because Ash is generous like his father and often offers me a spoonful of Krispies, which I graciously accept while trying to ignore the fact that milk is dripping all over the table, down his arm, and onto his pants and chair. It's the before and after effects that get me.
No matter how carefully you pour the Krispies in the bowl, inevitably a few will fall on the counter and one or two will land on the floor. They will be crushed to bits and then your floor will feel gritty until the next time you sweep. In my house this could be a loooong time. This is annoying but the worst is yet to come.
After the Krispies have been soaked in milk, again some will end up on the floor. They happen to blend in with my carpet so I don't notice them at first. Not until I step on one and confuse it with a slimy booger on the bottom of my sock. Yes, they are sticky and gooey for a time. But that only lasts so long, then the real danger sets in.
I bet you didn't know Rice Krispies were a lethal weapon. They steal away, hiding under the lip of your table, just waiting for the perfect time to attack. I have had run-ins with them several times. On more than one occasion, Ash has gobbled three bowls for breakfast, I've cleaned him up and set to work on the table. Everything looked good, or so I thought. But that one Krispie was hiding there, building it's strength, waiting for me.
After the next meal I wipe up again. Only this time my hand scrapes along the now rock hard and extremely jagged Rice Krispie waiting for me. I swear, I've almost lost blood on those things!
I swore I would never buy them again, but alas, Rice Krispies are one of Ash's favorite cereals. If I have to suffer a few "boogers" on my socks and a couple of intense scratches for him to have his favorite cereal, then I guess I can do that in the name of love.
Funny quote of the day, by Asher: "I play drumma on the potty" - We were getting ready to go to storytime at the library and we were discussing what we'd do there. They have these plastic kids chairs that slightly resemble our potty chair I guess. Asher likes to sit on the floor and drum on them. Apparently to him, it's the highlight of storytime!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Puddles And More
Hello friends and family! Welcome to the new and improved Lein family blog! As you may know, we have been without the internet for 6 months or more. Kyle finally said enough's enough and bit the bullet to get it hooked up again. After two weeks of frustration, we are up and running. The old blog had a boyish theme naturally, since our firstborn is a boy. But with Liv joining our family I thought we better makes some changes. I hope you enjoy Tales From the Minivan!
The last post I wrote was about 5 months ago. A lot of changes happen in a child's life, even in so few months. So rather than try to catch you up on all that's gone on, I will jump right into present day.
And that brings us to this morning and every parent's favorite topic - poop and/or pee. Sweet Asher woke up with damp pajamas. He was wearing head to toe fleece p.j.'s and I don't know if you know how much liquid fleece pajamas can soak up without feeling wet, but it's a lot! They are absorbent to the max. And that's what makes this story all the more unbelievable. When I went to change his sheets, not only did I find wet sheets, blankets, and stuffies on the bed, but I also found a puddle under the bed. Under the bed! How is this possible?
This is not the first time one of my children has performed an incredible bathroom feat. Why, sweet Livie has blown a poop out of her diaper, spraying me and the couch, without getting one single drop on herself or in her diaper. And she has done this not once, but twice! Don't ask me how she did it. Just take my word for it- it's true.
Puddles on the floor, and daily outfit changes for you and your child are all part of being a parent. Not the most fun part, but at least it gives you and your husband something to laugh about.
Hope this post wasn't too much bathroom talk for you to handle. I ensure you future posts will not be as graphic.
And now, onto everyone's favorite part....the pictures. Of course, none relate to today's topic but I'm sure you will enjoy them just as well.
Quote of the day made by Kyle: "I think these two are in cahoots already"

The last post I wrote was about 5 months ago. A lot of changes happen in a child's life, even in so few months. So rather than try to catch you up on all that's gone on, I will jump right into present day.
And that brings us to this morning and every parent's favorite topic - poop and/or pee. Sweet Asher woke up with damp pajamas. He was wearing head to toe fleece p.j.'s and I don't know if you know how much liquid fleece pajamas can soak up without feeling wet, but it's a lot! They are absorbent to the max. And that's what makes this story all the more unbelievable. When I went to change his sheets, not only did I find wet sheets, blankets, and stuffies on the bed, but I also found a puddle under the bed. Under the bed! How is this possible?
This is not the first time one of my children has performed an incredible bathroom feat. Why, sweet Livie has blown a poop out of her diaper, spraying me and the couch, without getting one single drop on herself or in her diaper. And she has done this not once, but twice! Don't ask me how she did it. Just take my word for it- it's true.
Puddles on the floor, and daily outfit changes for you and your child are all part of being a parent. Not the most fun part, but at least it gives you and your husband something to laugh about.
Hope this post wasn't too much bathroom talk for you to handle. I ensure you future posts will not be as graphic.
And now, onto everyone's favorite part....the pictures. Of course, none relate to today's topic but I'm sure you will enjoy them just as well.
Quote of the day made by Kyle: "I think these two are in cahoots already"
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