About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a Great Weekend!

This past Sunday, Asher was dedicated to the Lord. The whole family was there to watch, except for Aunt Kimmers who lives too far away to make it. It was a fun weekend all around. Here are some of the highlights.

A delicious cake brought by Grandma and Grandpa Lein. Mmmmm, white cake with chocolate frosting just like mommy asked for!

The whole family together...

Asher and Lula playing tug of war. Asher tried so hard to win! He hooked the rope around the mirror on his walker and tried backing away. But Lula held on tight and yanked the rope and he crashed, walker and all, back into the couch! Mommy tried to grab the video camera but of course they quit as soon as I turned it on.

Grandpa Marble's dress boots....

And Asher got his very first Easter basket! He was able to open it all by himself. His favorite was a little finger puppet duck. He laughed and laughed as it walked up his legs and arms.

1 comment:

Laura Berner said...

Love the pic w/ the cake! Now I want some...