Yesterday we had our 32 week appointment, complete with ultrasound for measuring all of the baby's organs. Everything looked great and the tech said she weighs 3 lbs 14 ounces right now and they are estimating she'll be 7.5 lbs at full term. She was a bit bashful and wouldn't' move her hand away from her face no matter how much the tech bounced my belly around.

It looks like she's already working on her pouty face - not good news for Daddy. He'll be wrapped around her finger in half a heartbeat!
After the appointment Kyle and I took Asher for a walk to enjoy the gorgeous weather we've been having. He doesn't love the stroller like he used to so we took the wagon instead. He loved it! He is truly my sweetheart boy - he wanted to hold Mama's hand the whole time we walked! And how could I refuse?
She looks so cute! I can't wait to meet her!
Your little girls pout is too cute! I think she will get away with a little more than you think! Jean, what made you change your mind about seeing the photos?
I can't wait to meet your cute little girl!! I love the pouting face, Kyle is sooo going to be in TROUBLE!!!
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