Saturday mornings are a special time for our family because Daddy is home. Usually he leaves for work before 7 am and before anyone else is awake. But on Saturday, he's home. Once Asher lets us know it's time to get up, Daddy goes and gets him and brings him back to our bed. We have a nice family cuddle time before starting the day. Well today, Momma heard baby first. I went in to get him up and he gave me his usual huge, heart-melting smile. I picked him up and brought him into our room where Daddy was still laying down but awake. Asher was looking right at him and Daddy popped up really fast. Usually when Asher's startled he'll giggle or cry but today he yelled! He opened his mouth real wide and gave a good, startled shout that nearly knocked Daddy right out of bed! He seemed so old at that moment!! This gave us a good laugh as we kept replaying the incident. After the big yell, Asher turned quickly to me and I hugged him and then all was good. He looked back to Daddy and gave him his signature smile.
Since Asher was visibly older this morning we decided today would be the day to try rice cereal! Ok, so maybe we decided it was time because we haven't slept well for the past week and a half because Ash suddenly forgot how to sleep through the night. Either way, today was the day. He was a bit indifferent to it, a bit sloppy, and he didn't really get the concept that he was supposed to swallow it. But there was no spitting, crying, or throwing up so we considered this first attempt to be a great success. I'm sure he'll catch on in no time!

He's looks so big! I can't believe it and I love the photos! Can't wait to see him, it's been awhile
Love Jenny R
Wow. He's a little man already! Where did time go?!
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