Asher is doing awesome. He's at least half a pound more than his birth weight now and he's grown two inches! He is an excellent baby and is rarely fussy. But even though he's so good, being a mom is insanely hard. It's no 9 to 5 job and that can be very overwhelming. Not to mention getting pooped and peed on, puked on, and having the baby cry and cry when you try to put him down for a nap or even change his diaper. But it's truly amazing how quickly your frustration and tears turn to pure joy when the crying stops and he looks up at you with those blueberry eyes and a peaceful look on his face. You forget the drama of the past 5-10 minutes (or maybe even an hour) and you just feel the love. .jpg)
Jean and Kyle
you have a handsome young man and is just so darn cute, thanks for the new pic and I hope you all are doing great. jenny r
Oh my! He is sooooo sweet!!!!
One more thing....Don't worry, more sleep is near!!!!
I miss you, Leins!
Can't wait till Friday. :)
Thanks for taking the time to update! We love hearing all about "today in the life of Asher..." :)
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