Boy, we do not take enough pictures!! Here we are on week 25 and the belly is growing! Sam and Sara came to visit for the weekend and we had a great time. Nothing too exciting, I think Shopko was our big outing. But we did hit Chipotle, which is a favorite of the Marble-Lein-Galvins and even the Little Man doesn't object the the flamin hot salsa. He's a boy after his Mom's own heart!
Can you see my eyes look a little red and blotchy? Yeah, that would be from puking my eyeballs out. Only happened twice in my whole pregnancy so far. The first was on the day of the ultrasound when I slammed my 32 oz of water a little too fast. Kyle had to pull the car over on the side of the road. Lovely. This time, it was from the 24 hour flu. One puke and it was all over for the eyes. I broke all the blood vessels around them and looked like I had two shiners. Conveniently, I had a dr.'s appt that day and I couldn't even get dressed or do my make-up and I'm sure everyone in the waiting room was angry seeing a strung out pregnant girl. Seriously, I looked like I was on crack! The obvious effects lasted about week and then it just lingered as itchy, watery eyes for 3 more. Please, no more puking for me!
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