It's been a while since I've posted anything here on the blog. It's not for lack of things to write about, more like a lack of time. Our days a filled with eating and naps and walks and sitting on blankets. We see friends here and there and get groceries and hit the library and chat it up with people at the post office.
The biggest change of late is that our little friend Eli has been coming to our house two days a week. He's about 2 1/2 months old and requires a lot of attention, as all babies do. This was a rough thing for Ash to handle at first. There were many tears and even a head butt but all is well now. Each day Eli is here, Asher gets a little more comfortable with sharing mommy's attention.
Today my sweet boy definitely woke up on the right side of the bed. He's been making my heart sing all day long with his sweet gestures, loving looks, and funny ideas for playtime. It all started when I had Eli over my knee for a little quasi tummy time. Asher crawled over and gently kissed him on the head. I praised him profusely for being soft and gentle (this is not his strong suit so he needs the encouragement!). He went back to playing on the floor but every so often he would come back and give Eli another kiss. A few times he just squished his nose on Eli's head...a sort of Eskimo kiss I suppose. It was too cute for words and of course getting up to grab the camera would've ruined the moment!
On our walk this evening he kept turning around to look at me and smile, showing me the most angelic and loving face I've ever seen. My heart melted. It was exactly what I needed today.
Lastly, after dinner we played with a dining room chair. Sounds fun, right? But it was! It couldn't have been funner! He squished his little face through the slats and I tickled his nose with mine. One time was all it took to get him hooked! He thought this was the funniest thing ever and we probably went back and forth with this 20 times. It gave me a good laugh and the whole day brought me a renewed joy. Being a stay at home mom is the best!