About Us

My photo
We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Asher's Trip to Door County

Asher had a great time in Door County with Mom, Grandma, and Auntie! He did some sightseeing by the lake, lounged in the adirondack chairs, relaxed on the comfy pull out bed at the Yacht Club, and even met a new friend. Leah is 9 mos and weighs one pound more than Asher. He could steamroller her in a heartbeat! (that is, if he knew how to roll over!) Isn't she adorable!? She belongs to my great friend and college roommate Laura, who we got to stop and see in Green Bay on our way to DC.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Tag from Sara K

4 things I was doing 10 years ago...
Driving a Sundance
Studying Psychology
Living with Laura and Andrea
Riding my bike around Lake Antoine almost everyday

4 things on my to do list for today...
Take a shower
Take a walk and watch a movie with my hubby
Play with Asher

4 things I love about my husband...
He's handsome
He always does the dishes
He adores kids, especially Asher
He drives the jetta and lets me have the passat

4 jobs I have had...
Core Cutter at a paper mill
Delivered meds to people's homes
Therapist for Autistic children

4 places I have lived...
International Falls, MN
Quinnesec, MI
Green Bay, WI
Madison, WI

4 places I want to visit...
The Greek Isles

4 (or 5-6) things you may not know about me...
I've driven a tractor and a forklift, not just once but daily for summers on end
I can play the piano
I played the saxophone in my HS alumni marching band in the 4th of July parade 3 years ago - and had a BLAST!
I love cars and speed
I have my own business with The Body Shop At Home
I attended the Milwaukee School of Flower Design last fall

Now it's Sara G's turn.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gigantor Baby & the Search for a Halloween Costume

My baby is huge. Have you noticed?
Kyle and I have been looking at halloween costumes on ebay for Asher. We have bid on several and have yet to win an auction. It was getting pretty disheartening so I gave up.

So yesterday, mom and Asher went to town to get this costume situation taken care of once and for all. First we hit Walgreens.....nothing. Then we went to Target......they had some adorable costumes for reasonable prices! So I picked out the cutest one (a shaggy dog with a bone) and attempted to wrestle it on Asher while he laid in the basket of the cart. He was not enjoying this and I was struggling. But I didn't want to admit that it didn't fit (did I mention it was size 0-9 months?) so we headed over to the baby section (which is carpeted) and I laid him on the floor to try again. This time he didn't mind, but it was obvious that he was too big for the costume. Yes, my 3 month old is too big for a costume made for 0-9 month olds!!!

Discouraged, disappointed, and worried that my son will continue to gain 4 lbs a month until he's 2 years old and 100 lbs, we left Target and headed for Baby's R Us. At last, we found what we were looking for! An adorable costume, size 6-9, that is a bit roomy so he has room to grow in the next month before he wears it. Yes!

I guess it was a blessing that we didn't win any ebay auctions because the costumes probably would've been too small for our gigantor child.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Angel Baby

Imagine this....

A beautiful blue sky filled with white puffy clouds. My sweet Asher, wearing only a diaper, floats by on the most comfortable cloud of them all.......And he is screaming his head off!!

This was the scene as we took Asher to have his first professional pictures taken. Wouldn't you know it, our seldom fussy baby boy cried and complained almost the entire time. But the photographer knew what he was doing and got some great shots anyway.

Our budget only allowed for us to pick one pose and we choose a handsome one. But now that I think back, I would give anything to have a copy of the crying angel. It was perfect in it's irony. But alas, the studio deletes all pictures as soon as you leave and me crying over it for two days didn't reverse time and didn't get me the picture I wanted. So I will have to take a mental snapshot and cherish it forever.

To look on the bright side, I am blessed enough to get to see him crying everyday. Maybe next time I'll hold him up to the window and try to recreate the scene in my mind.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a Numbers Game

My baby boy is growing up!

As many of you know, diapers come in different sizes: newborn, 1, 2, etc. Well for my little one, the one's were holding #1 but not #2. So I had to break down and buy some number two's. Hopefully now the two's will hold both #1 and #2 so we will stop having 3, 4, and 5 blowouts per day!