About Us

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We are the Lein Family. Kyle is the Daddy, Jean is the Mama, Asher is our big boy, and Livie is our sweet baby girl. We love friends, family, food, and the playground. And of course, we love our minivan.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Week

Asher will be four weeks old tomorrow and he is growing like a weed!! We don't have a scale but he is looking bigger and bigger and feeling heavier and heavier. His legs are no longer chicken legs, but are starting to get a few tiny rolls on them!
This was a big week for Asher and Mom. On Monday, we took our first trip to the grocery store. This was no small task. Even though he was wonderful for the most part, any outing is made harder by the fact that he likes to eat every two hours and we live at least 20 minutes from the nearest, decent store. So here's what our timeline looked like: 1:00 feed Asher. This takes about 40 minutes. 1:40 Change his diaper, put the dog in her pen, load up the car, and get on the road. It's now 2:00. 2:20 arrive at Woodman's, struggle with putting the car seat in the cart, navigate the torn up parking lot in 90 degree weather. 2:10 start shopping. Now Asher will want to eat again at 3:00. It takes us 20 minutes to get home. We are quickly running out of time!

Luckily, my sweet boy loves anything he can ride in. So the cart bouncing along the brick floors of Woodmans is just what he needs to keep him sleeping. Unfortunately we have to stop at the photo department to pick up some pictures. They are not ready. We wait. Asher is not pleased and starts to cry. Mom starts to panic. Crabby photo lady grows a heart, hurries up, and makes a nice comment. Phew, we are back in motion and baby is quiet again. Just to be sure I forgo the frozen section (yes I missed out on the Marble girls' favorite thing - frozen pizza, but this is the sacrifice that must be made) and high-tail it to the checkout. Three checkout girls come over to comment on my gorgeous baby and all the photo drama is forgotten. Asher sleeps in the car and actually makes it 3 hours between feedings this time!

Daddy gave Asher his first bottle. He didn't seem to mind it but we're not sure he got any milk in his little tummy. He would suck it in, hold it in his mouth, and then let it all dribble out the side. Maybe next time will go better.

Wednesday we decided to visit Daddy at work. Asher was an absolute dream and made all the co-workers ooh and aah and made Daddy very proud. He was so good that Mom and Dad even got to go out for lunch while he slept in his car seat. It felt like our first date! Has it really been so long since we've been able to spend some time together? We were both giddy and it made our days!

Now today, Thursday, I've made dinner. This has only happened a handful of times in the last ten months and this is the first time since coming home from the hospital. Granted it was a frozen turkey-etta that I plopped in the crockpot, but trust me - this is progress (if you're not from upper MI you wouldn't understand and you're definately missing out on the turkey-etta). I can't wait for Kyle to come home and realize there is food ready for him. If you've met my husband you know he will be ecstatic and truly grateful! It's awesome to cook for a man like that.

Tomorrow we're off to Grandma and Grandpa Marble's house. It's literally over the river and through the woods. The three of us can't wait!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've been getting razzed quite a bit for not updating my blog anymore. I have to say it's pretty hard to find time to blog between the feedings, diaper changes, and trying to catch up on my sleep. And when I do find a free minute, it's hard to choose blogging over showering, putting lotion on my dry feet, or vegging out to Rachel Ray. But I finally found a second here so I thought I'd do my best for a quick post.

Asher is doing awesome. He's at least half a pound more than his birth weight now and he's grown two inches! He is an excellent baby and is rarely fussy. But even though he's so good, being a mom is insanely hard. It's no 9 to 5 job and that can be very overwhelming. Not to mention getting pooped and peed on, puked on, and having the baby cry and cry when you try to put him down for a nap or even change his diaper. But it's truly amazing how quickly your frustration and tears turn to pure joy when the crying stops and he looks up at you with those blueberry eyes and a peaceful look on his face. You forget the drama of the past 5-10 minutes (or maybe even an hour) and you just feel the love.