My goodness, I think this baby has grown 2 lbs and 5 inches overnight. My giant belly suddenly feels to small to hold him in. He is kicking and sticking his little butt out and rubbing his elbow across my whole stomach. He's very active and lots of times, convenient times like during church and meetings at work, he moves so much my belly jiggles all over the place. I haven't seen anyone notice yet, except Kyle, but if they were looking they could totally see him. Good little boy that he is though, he never starts making a ruckus until after 8:30am. He must be a late sleeper like his Mama.
Early on in my pregnancy, I read somewhere that pumping gas could be hazardous to the baby's health. My dr. was not convinced that this was a legitimate concern, but since my husband is so wonderful he took over that job for me anyway. So I really haven't pumped gas since October! But alas, the dream was destined to die someday...and that was today. Yesterday, the gas light came on as I drove to work (which is about 23 miles). I coasted back home on fumes and then promptly forgot about it. So I had to stop on my way to work today and I wasn't really sure what side of the car the tank was on! Luckily I made a good guess.
Last time I tried to pump gas, I was such a paranoid freak that I tried to hold my breath the whole time. That was not a good idea as I almost passed out! This time I breathed normal, just turned my body away and tried to stay up-wind.
Lastly, I must say that Super Wal-Mart is just too gigantic for a pregnant lady to navigate. Next time I go, can I get one of those hover-rounds to zip around on?